How Does "Work Smarter, Not Harder" Apply To A New Business Structure?

Jun 06 2024

The idea that if you’re working too hard there must be a shortcut or simpler method you’re not using is quite endemic in the business world right now. After all, with AI utilities, template business plans, outsourcing assistance and the development of online guidance forums, it can seem as though every question you want answered has been, a thousand times over.

But of course, working smartly without working diligently is like a beautifully designed supercar without any fuel - the insight and design might be there, but something needs to power the engine.

That being said, in 2024 and beyond, there are utilities that can, by extension, harm you if you fail to use them correctly. For example, no restaurant with a genuine ambition for success will be cash-only, when a great merchant service takes no time at all to set up and utilize. This provides convenience, simplifies your payment process, and yes, makes you work smarter and not harder.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few more examples just like this, to steer you forward on the right path:

Use Timeblocks To Organize Your Day

The truth is that any new business will have so many tasks that need completing, it can be hard to prioritize. But our time is limited each day, and so using time blocks as opposed to juggling a range of plates can be a superior approach. This way, you block hours of working time out of your schedule, and dedicate them to single tasks. It will enable you to balance your energies throughout the day, work hard, and also make sure you’re always working for optimal yield and productivity. As you can see, sometimes working harder IS working smarter, provided you structure the approach correctly.

Outsource Non-Core Functions

It’s a mistake to think you need to handle everything internally. For example, immediately outsourcing your bookkeeping and tax records can allow you to submit the correct documentation each year, claim subsidies and investment where possible, and make certain that areas you’re relatively inexperienced in are still handled correctly. Embedding this in your operational cost will mean such utilities are no longer a luxury, but priced into your forecasted budget. This means a shoestring budget will be used in the most impactful manner, and free up your time.

Leverage Data Analytics

Data analytics can help you review and reform your approach throughout the months of establishing yourself as a name brand. For example, if you’ve invested in SEO, you can use the Google Search Console and tools like AhRefs to see how your approach has been working, if you’ve targeted the right keywords in produced or outsourced content, and how that might have impacted your search ranking. This is just one example, but with modern analytical tools, having immediate feedback and using that to direct your future action is more possible than never. Using this can help you about-face if an issue is wasting time, ensuring the “work smarter” approach is always verified and validated when it needs to be.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to work smarter, not just harder, while baking that into your new structural approach.

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