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Brand refresh: How to update your brand identity?

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How many times have you noticed famous brands like Starbucks, McDonald's, or Dunkin' updating their logos or changing their names, affecting the overall brand identity of their company?

While it may seem that a brand refresh is a less intricate process than a full rebrand, many companies make the common mistake of investing even more time in a brand refresh than in a comprehensive rebrand. This misconception arises because a brand refresh still requires the update of all brand elements across the entire spectrum of the company and its platforms.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the concept of a brand refresh and find out how a company can update its brand identity without wasting too much time and effort!

What is a brand refresh?

A brand refresh is a strategic set of updates made to a specific brand's identity to modernize its image and realign with current trends. With a brand refresh, companies make no fundamental changes to their brand identity but rather alter visual elements, such as the color palette, logo design, and fonts used in images. There can also be updates related to culture or messaging.

The main difference between a brand refresh and a rebrand is that the latter is performed to create a whole new brand, while a brand refresh touches only some parts of the brand identity, maintaining its core values.

How to perform a brand refresh in 2023?

1. Identify weaknesses in your brand identity

First, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive audit to uncover any weak spots and misalignments in your brand identity. `No matter how good your startup idea is, you need to make changes sometimes to keep your business up-to-date. To facilitate this process, consider the following questions:

  • What kind of changes would make my brand more competitive in my industry?
  • What are current industry trends and how can they be incorporated in my company's brand identity?
  • What kind of updates should be made to improve the user journey?

When addressing these questions, keep in mind that you're not undertaking a complete repositioning of your brand. The goal is to pinpoint specific weak spots that require updates.

2. Decide what elements need to be changed

The amount of changes usually depends on how far your current brand is from your preferred brand identity. 

Based on this, you might need to change some visual or verbal elements to improve and modernize your brand identity.

Write down what kind of changes you need to perform and start the process of brand refresh!

3. Update visual elements

All your visual elements should dance in perfect harmony with the revitalized essence of your brand identity. As you embark on this journey of rejuvenation, consider updating key components to breathe new life into your brand. Elevate your messaging to a symphony of creativity by seamlessly incorporating engaging images, compelling infographics, videos, and other visually captivating elements. For this artistic endeavor, harness the power of a myriad of tools; take, for example, the finesse of a video maker and AI voiceover. With these tools in your creative repertoire, craft a visual masterpiece that not only tells your brand story but also captivates and resonates with your audience on a profound level.


The logo plays a crucial role in the modernization of your brand identity as it serves as a visual representation of what your brand stands for and the industry it represents. A powerful logo will help you stand out from the crowd and create a memorable brand that people want to connect with. When establishing your brand, it's essential to invest time and resources to create a logo that captures the essence of your business and resonates with your target audience.

There are so many logo maker tools you can use to refresh your logo. These tools provide templates that incorporate current web design trends. Your task is simplified – just select a template that aligns with your brand and customize it to give it a unique touch. This approach not only saves you time but also minimizes effort in the logo revitalization process.

In addition to logo maker tools, there are numerous AI tools available to enhance your brand's refreshing process. These AI tools offer advanced features such as image recognition, color palette suggestions, and font pairing recommendations, providing you with comprehensive support in crafting a visually appealing and modernized brand identity.

New color palette

Each color creates a unique mood, evoking certain emotions among the audience. For instance, colors like red and orange are used for high-energy brands. Yellow shades create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere around the brand. Blue evokes a feeling of trust and loyalty. 

When refreshing your brand, pay attention to your primary color palettes and adjust them based on what your brand aims to convey to its audience, especially if you aspire to become a famous brand. The thoughtful selection and modification of colors can significantly impact how your brand is perceived and resonates with your target audience.


Typography is a crucial element that defines the brand identity of your company. The fonts you choose for your brand should resonate with your identity and help with quicker brand recognition.

4. Change your brand messaging

Not only do the visual elements of your brand matter, but the language, tone, and brand voice also play a crucial role in reflecting your refreshed brand.

Start by conducting research among your target audience to determine if your current brand messaging effectively communicates your products and services or if adjustments are needed. Implement changes based on your findings.

Besides, review all your branding and marketing materials for any inconsistencies in tone and voice. Ensure that your refreshed messaging is consistently applied across all your marketing and communication channels; otherwise, it may not resonate as intended.

Consider updating your slogan and taglines to incorporate more memorable phrases, strengthening your brand's verbal elements and helping it stand out from the competition. 

You can also reconsider your brand name if it isn't representing your product anymore or your message. The brand name generator can be a helpful tool during the brand refresh process. It can help you brainstorm new name ideas that are relevant to your brand story and target audience. However, it's important to choose a brand name that is memorable, easy to pronounce, and available as a domain name and social media handle.

5. Create a new style brand guide

Have you updated all the essential elements of your refreshed brand identity? The final step is to ensure that your refreshed brand remains consistent across all your communication and marketing materials.

You can maintain the consistency of your refreshed brand elements by creating a new brand style guide. This guide will encompass all the visual and verbal changes resulting from the brand refresh. By using the new brand style guide, your team, and external stakeholders can align with a unified understanding of your brand identity. This will ensure your brand is presented consistently and cohesively across all platforms and materials.

It's also a good idea to include your brand story, mission, vision, and core values in the brand 


6. Leverage Interactive Email Elements

To elevate the impact of your brand refresh in email marketing for 2023, consider harnessing the potential of interactive email elements. Integrate features such as surveys, polls, quizzes, clickable carousels, and countdown timers using an AI writing tool, enhancing the overall engagement and dynamism of your audience's experience. AI writing tools can further elevate your text content with sophistication and style, ensuring that your brand's narrative is not only engaging but also aesthetically pleasing. Surveys, polls, and feedback tools empower you to gather valuable customer feedback, engage recipients in decision-making processes, and foster inclusivity.

Quizzes bring interactivity, turning the email experience into an enjoyable and informative journey. Clickable carousels visually showcase multiple facets of your brand, encouraging users to explore content within the email. Additionally, countdown timers build anticipation for special events, product launches, or promotions, instilling a sense of urgency. By embracing these interactive elements, your brand not only communicates its evolution but also captivates the audience, deepening connections and providing insights into user preferences.

7. Roll out the refreshed brand internally, and then externally

Once you're satisfied with the refreshed elements of your brand, it's time to unveil it to the masses! Begin with a soft launch for your internal team, providing a detailed explanation of the mission behind the refresh. Celebrate this achievement with your team, acknowledging their hard work throughout the brand refresh process.

Following the internal launch, introduce your brand refresh to the public. Generate anticipation through teasers and social media campaigns, craft engaging promotional marketing materials, and issue press releases to make the big announcement.

December 11, 2023
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